The Flash Kostüm für Männer

Code: 363557

The Flash Kostüm für Männer
The Flash Offizielles Produkt. Produkt-Code: 363557

Informationen über das Produkte

So we got the 100 percent polyester Flash TV Sublimated Costume T-Shirt from Dr. Wells and he told us that you needed to have this exactly next Tuesday while standing on the corner of 2nd and Main. If you don't have it you don't wanna know what happens! Ah yes, time traveling...always one way to ruin a completely good day. At least on the bright side of things you won't need to reach 88MPH to utilize the Flash TV Sublimated Costume T-Shirt.These are not your typical shirts; sublimation is a viable and durable solution to the industry standard of ink jet heat transfers. The sublimation process takes a large sheet of ink soaked paper heated to ridiculous temperatures which causes the ink to literally bind to the fabric. This causes the shirt's image to become amazingly resilient to the ravages of time! This technique can result in small imperfections, generally around the armpit, seams, and stretched spots on the shirt. It is something that is intrinsic with this process but it makes each shirt wholly unique.
100% Original
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  • Lieferzeit: 8 - 11 Werktage | inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

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