Star Trek Strümpfe

Code: 362032

Star Trek Strümpfe
Star Trek Offizielles Produkt. Produkt-Code: 362032

Informationen über das Produkte

Created from 80 percent acrylic, 17 percent polyester, and 3 percent spandex comes the the socks that bid you to 'Live Long and Prosper', the Star Trek Spock Ears Socks! I'm not entirely sure if these socks will actually bless your life with a calm Vulcan-like serenity but I am sure that people will know that you are super into the first cast of Star Trek because these great socks have EARS! Yes...Ears! I guess you can be Captain Kirk to the Star Trek Spock Ears Socks but you'll have to come up with your own advice.Even though these socks are super heroically imbued and dripping with style, they probably shouldn't be exposed to vigorous activities like basketball, parkour, crime fighting, super villainy, mountain climbing, etc. etc.Fits Men's Size 6 - 9
100% Original
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