Spiderman Schweißband

Code: 458639

Spiderman -Armband 2er-Pack.
Spiderman Schweißband
Spiderman Offizielles Produkt. Produkt-Code: 458639

Informationen über das Produkte

We were going to make these soft Spiderman Wristband 2-Pack a set of web shooters, but it turns out that isn't cost effective...and nobody has yet to create actual web shooters. You would have thought that would be something the military would have been all over. Somebody get Stan Lee into Research and Development! We'll have Hulks, Spidermen, and Captain America in no time! Maybe you should get the Spiderman Wristband 2-Pack now so you will be chosen for this exciting new project, perhaps? These Spiderman Wristband 2-Pack come with two individual 1.5 inch wide wrist bands; one is blue with the Spider Man mask while the other is red with the Spider symbol. Pretty nice, eh?
100% Original
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